Global Association for Trauma Recovery

We believe every survivor has the right to THRIVE!

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Equipping survivors with the tools that help them to heal and cope is important. 

Why Us?

Helping trauma survivors around the world heal and thrive.

We are a social impact organization serving as a resource for survivors and their families, dedicated to facilitating change by spreading trauma-related awareness, and thus creating a more trauma-informed world.


The average cost of therapy per session


The number of those who said they needed mental health care but did not receive it.

The Four Fs of Trauma
2021 American Family Survey reveals people are still not receiving the mental health help they need

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Please reach out for support, educational materials, questions and concerns, to share your story, or with any other general need. To reach our office, call 678-568-9191, or fill out the form on our Contact page. If your life or someone else’s is in imminent danger, please call 911.

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